Wednesday, March 10, 2010

CHAPTER 2: What Comes Next?

Now that I understand the difference between hunger and appetite, I have gained new knowledge about what could hinder me from ever being a healthy weight. It's one thing to know it and another to put in into practice.

There are three things that I am trying to implement in gaining control of my appetite.
  1. Educate myself
  2. Apply what I learn
  3. Practice it daily

This takes commitment! It also requires that I tell my appetite, "NO". I have to learn to eat only when I am hungry. Statistics say that one should eat something every 3 to 3 1/2 hours to keep from becoming overly hungry. If I allow myself to get extremely hungry, my appetite can get carried away. In other words, I won't have as much control over what I put in my mouth. Eccleciates 6:9 compares a roving appetite to chasing after the wind. It will be hard to satisfy.

So I will eat consistently, every 3-3 1/2 hours. This will also keep my metabolism at a steady rate. The other important key is that I make healthy food choices. (carrots, apples, grapes, low calorie cheese, a fiber bar, etc...) It doesn't have to be a full meal each time. A healthy snack between normal meal times.

I have lost 14 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks by eating a menu similar to the following:

7:00 am - 2 slices of turkey bacon, a Special K High Protein/High Fiber Shake

10:00 am - some carrots or grapes (sustains me until my lunch time arrives)

11:15 am - Lean Cuisine meal, Ind. pack of steamed peas, apple

1:30 pm - 100 calorie snack pack or fruit

5:00 pm - Grilled chicken, salad, steamed vegies

8:00 pm - Special K Shake

(I drink water ALL day long!)

This is what I have committed to do. It may sound strick, but it is vitally important! It is better than having a gastric bypass or lapband surgery. It's enough to satisfy "hunger". My appetite will have to surrender. I refuse to let my appetite control me!

Jesus said, "I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will never hunger or thirst."

I am seeking after God and praying that He will replace my physical hunger with a spiritual hunger. I pray that you will do the same. Losing this weight will only happen if he empowers me to deny myself, take up my cross and follow Him.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Alice! I am so glad you invited me to share on your journey. I too am taking a weight loss journey and know you and I will do as Hebrews 10:24 says "And let us continue to consider how to motivate one another to love and good deeds" (International Standard Version) because we know 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us our bodies are God's temple. Not only did He create our bodies, but he also dwells in them through his Holy Spirit. We must glorify HIM with our bodies! I am praying for you and I love you dearly. Thank you for ALWAYS being an inspiration to me.
