Thursday, March 18, 2010

CHAPTER 9: Temptation

"Watch and pray, lest you enter temptation. For the Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41 & Mark 13:48

Jesus was no stranger to temptation. He encountered times in His ministry when I'm sure He grew tired, hungry, frustrated and angry. He experienced the same emotions we do.

In John 2:1-11, when He attended the wedding at Cana, the master of the house provided a feast for the guests. The food was probably quite elaborate for this special occasion. I'm sure Jesus enjoyed His share of the meal. It had been a wonderful day with friends and family. He had performed his first miracle.

Then verse 12 of the same chapter, Jesus was angry because they were selling merchandise in the temple in Jerusalem. So he drove them out with a whip made of chords. He even turned over tables. Jesus was frustrated to say the least. His Father's house was being misused!

From one extreme to the other, his life experience gave him the whole spectrum of emotions that we encounter. But Jesus knew the flesh was not to be catered to. The last verse in this chapter says, "He Himself knew what was in human nature." (Amplified)
It is our nature to want to please the flesh. We sometimes let our emotions sway our obedience. I pray that we will find true joy and freedom in obeying God and being lead by the Spirit, giving no room for the flesh.

"You, my brothers were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh..." Galatians 5:13


  1. hey there! I noticed your blog post from FB from Dr. Colbert's fan page; which book are you doing? I throughly am enjoying the copy I have the "I Can Do this" diet... even though it's a lifestyle not a diet lol. Anyhow, just thought I'd say howdy and ask! :) WTG on your success already and good start on your blog!

  2. Amy,
    Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I read the "I Can Do it Diet" and it was very helpful!! I appreciate you taking the time to send me a note!! :)
