Sunday, March 14, 2010

CHAPTER 6: Commitment vs Willpower

Willpower - The ability to control yourself and determine your actions

Commitment - A pledge, promise or obligation

Three quotes from Dr. Colbert's book The I Can to it Diet.
"Willpower temporarily excites, energizes and pumps you up.
"Willpower is like a sprint, while commitment is like a marathon."
"Without commitment, your main driving force behind losing weight is just willpower."

Dr. Colbert has entitled a section of his book, "STINKIN' THINKIN'" in which he states that negative thoughts about ourselves sabotage our weightloss efforts.

His book also shares these scriptures:
Romans 4:17
"God gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were."
Galatians 6:7
"Whatever a man sows, that he shall reap."

Do you have trouble with negative thoughts about yourself. I know that on a good day, it's fairly easy to stay on track and carry out the plan. But what about when you become frustrated, aggravated, hurt or lonely? I can truly say that these times make it SO tough for me to stay focused. That's why I have to cast my cares on Jesus. It's in those moments that I doubt and find myself wondering if I will stay true to the goal. Again, that is why I must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome my weaknesses and let Him reassure me that He is able when I am not.

So my commitment to become a healthy weight is a promise I have made to myself and and obligation that I must fulfill. BUT because I have Jesus in my life, I am not on my own. Jesus is victorious and because I am His child, I am more than a conquerer. Therefore, this will not be like all the other times I tried and failed. I will ask according to His will and He will empower me to defeat the enemy, which in this case is my appetite!

If you are interested in the "I Can do it Diet", check out Dr. Colbert's website:

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