Friday, March 12, 2010

CHAPTER 4: Exchanging Lies for Truth

I accepted Christ at the age of 16, which means for twenty-nine years I have been a follower of Jesus. It is only by His grace that I was saved and continue to seek after Him. He has placed a call on my life to minister to young people. Working with teens requires an amazing amount of energy. When I was younger, it came so easy. I would take them camping, hiking, swimming, do high ropes courses with them, and then stay up all night discussing things they were going through. Over the years, it has gotten more difficult!

Now when we do activities, I'm lagging behind. I can barely keep up, panting and out of breath. The extra weight is literally hindering me from doing ministry.

I long to fulfull Galatians 5:24 "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions, appetites and desires."

When I'm tired, my appetite cries out,
"Feed me so you can keep going!"

When I'm bored my appetite cries out,
"Feed me to pass the time away!"

When I'm upset my appetite cries out,
"Feed me and you'll feel better!"


I have to learn to exchange the lies for the TRUTH.

The truth is...

When I'm tired, I need to do as Jesus said, "Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29

When I'm bored, I must remember that the Proverbs 31 woman " over the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness"
Proverbs 31:27

When I am upset, I have to cry out in prayer "Oh God! You are my help and my deliverer!" Psalm 70:5

My goal is to allow the Holy Spirit to work in me in such a way that it turns my hunger towards God, when my stomach wants me to head for the kitchen!

If it is not the appropriate time to eat or the right kind of food, I will grab the WORD and FEED my SPIRIT, rather than feeding my face.

1 comment:

  1. Is the heart of repentance to change our minds? I have been thinking that when I overeat, for me, it is sin. I know what is right, but I do not do it.

    In the past, I have let sin destroy my relationship with God. I understand now that this is part of the devil's scheme.

    In order to resist the voice of the LIAR James tells us to "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." The substitution you are doing, to feed the spirit instead of the face, makes so much sense to me. That emptiness that cries out "Feed me"...that emotional parasite...can be satisfied by spiritual food. Maybe that is what I really have been craving all along.

    I cannot do it alone. I need Jesus to help me. So diving into the Word when I receive the message of "death" and drawing on the Water of Life = WOW

    Bless you for this ministry!
