Monday, March 15, 2010

CHAPTER 7: Dry, Weary Deserts

What's your desert?
By this I mean a time of drought in your life,
when you long for change.

I came across this scripture in my Bible as I was studying
about "True Hunger":

Psalm 63:1
"God, You're my God. I can't get enough of You.
I've worked up such a hunger and thirst for God,
traveling across dry and weary deserts."

Does your desert stir a thirst in you for more of God?

Luke 6:25 says, "Woe to you who are full, for you shall hunger."

No matter what we fill our lives with, it will never satisfy the longing in our souls for a relationship with Jesus. Only He can satisfy our souls.

"A great appetite provokes God to anger." Ezekial 16:26

It seems we have an appetite for everything the world has to offer, while neglecting the one thing that will make us complete.

I pray that we will "work up such a HUNGER FOR GOD", that we will put our flesh aside and glorify Him in everthing we do!


  1. Thank you for sharing. It's not easy, I know, but is necessary if we're to ever "get real" about our issues! I have a similar blog at that I started as an year long online journal to chronicle my journey to weight loss, better home management, taking better care of myself, etc. I call myself a "zombie mom." Just feeling sort of dead inside and wanting out of that, ya know? Anyway, I can't wait to keep up with your efforts...we can encourage each other!

  2. Angie,
    I'm so glad to hear from someone who is motivated to bring about a change. I will check out your blog! It sounds like a great idea to take time to encourage each other....we'll both be better women for our efforts!
