Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CHAPTER 8: A New Day

I am grateful that when the sun rises every morning, I receive new mercy! How amazing is it that the Heavenly Father puts yesterday's mistakes behind us and allows a fresh start daily.

This is a new day, a day that holds new promise.

I heard someone say once, "Don't let your present condition, dictate your future position." Looking with my physical eyes, it's hard to envision tomorrow being much different than today. However, I long for a new day! A day when my weaknesses will be overcome by the victory I have in Christ.

If I will do what is possible, God will do the impossible.

"Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God and you are not your own." 1 Corinthians 6:19

It seems I have neglected to take care of the "temple" He gave me. I have let the "temple" come to ruins. I have finally made up my mind to be obedient and disciplined in the way that I eat, in order to repair and remodel the "temple". The motive is not to fit into a bikini, wear the latest fashion or get approval from people. My heart's desire is to let the power of God defeat what the enemy of my soul is doing to destroy me and hinder me in ministry. I want Jesus to know that I am thankful for the gift of life He's given me today. So thankful that I'm going to care enough about my life to take care of myself. This is something I have NEVER done! As a result, I find myself categorized as OBESE. But a new day is coming. A day when I will be at a healthy weight and ALL GLORY will be TO GOD!!!

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