Monday, March 8, 2010

INTRODUCTION: Reality Check!

I have come to the end of myself and my efforts to loose weight. It is an insurmountable task that has overwhelmed me and held me in bondage for years. At the age of 45 as a wife, mother of three, teacher and youth pastor, I find myself at a crossroads. Do I continue down this path until I am literally incapacitated or do I relinquish my failures and truly leave them at the feet of Jesus?

It is apparent that carrying around some extra pounds is interfering with my quality of life. I picture my beautiful Golden Retreiver, Summer. She was slightly over-weight for her breed. She weighed approximately 80 lbs. I just can't imagine having to pick her up and carry her around while completing my daily activities. However, that's just what I am doing. I'm carrying around at least 80 extra pounds. My joints ache, my back hurts, my feet are sore and I am totally and utterly disgusted with the whole predicament.

The time has come for a cruel reality check! I recently read that smoking is the number one cause of preventable death. I am truly someone that would beg you to quit smoking. Afterall, it could shorten your life or diminish the quality of life. HOWEVER, the second cause of preventable death is obesity!!! OUCH!

I have decided to lay it on the line. Why not? I am going to journal my weighloss and the hard lessons I learn, in hopes that it will somehow keep me focused and encourage you if you struggle with some of the same issues. Do you want to follow me on the journey? If so, stop and take inventory. Who is the most important person in your life? Do you love them enough to take care of yourself for a change? This is not a selfish endeavor as I once believed. You see if you and I want to be around to take care of our husband, children, grandchildren and friends, then we'll have to take charge of our health. The best way to do that is to surrender our fleshly appetites.
In the days to follow, we'll look at what God's Word says about such things.

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