Saturday, March 20, 2010

CHAPTER 11: He Built the House!

Imagine this scenario:

A Father built a beautiful new home for his daughter. He purchased choice materials and spared no expense. The house was stocked with the finest furniture and fixtures. When the house was complete, he turned the key over to her.
He just knew she would be pleased with his work and enjoy this lovely home. He looked forward to sharing many wonderful times together there. As time went by the young lady neglected to take care of the house. She didn't even make much time to spend with her father. He tried to remind her of how much he loved her and what a precious gift this house was, but she paid no attention. Several years went by and one day she realized that floors were scratched, there were cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, the roof leaked, and their were stains on the furniture, all from careless use. She called her father and asked for his help. Her father's heart was full of joy. It was a call he had waited on, because he had longed to help her. She was unable to make repairs on her own, but together they could accomplish great things. Her father had the skill and expertise and finally she had the desire to restore her home, and put things back in working order.

God created our bodies and He is able to repair the things are are not in working order. We need to call on Him to help us make necessary changes.

God has chosen to dwell in His people through the Holy Spirit. He builds a spiritual home within our hearts. This brings new life as the Spirit of the Living God takes up residence and we allow him free reign. After all, He built the house!

1 Peter 2:4-6
" also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

I don't know about you, but it's hard to fathom the fact that God calls ME to be part of a "royal priesthood" a citizen of His "holy nation". Being a citizen of this nation gives us gifts and graces, or priviledges so to speak. By the blood of Jesus, we can come boldly before the throne and offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.

That sacrifice begins with turning the keys over to the Master Builder and letting Him do a work in us that is impossible for us to do on our own.


  1. This is very heartfelt and just wanted I needed to read today. I have been a little behind on reading your blogs since the busyness of the revival and all the other things, but I praise God it worked out so that I read this chapter today!

    Love you Alice! Thank you for continuing to encourage me. Can't wait for Night #2 of the Good Measure!!

  2. Makes me wanna sing and dance!
