Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fresh Start

It's hard to believe that it's been three years since I first started my blog. In that time, I lost 40 lbs and then slowly gained back the weight. I fell in May 2012 and broke my back as well as rupturing 3 disks. So laying flat on my back the majority of May, June, July and August pretty much put me back up to my original weight. I am miserable with pain and have instructions not to walk for any distance or even to stand for any amount of time. I could swim, but there's no place to do that where I live in the winter time. So I find myself having to diet without exercise. My body doesn't usually respond very well to that. Normally the exercise along with the dieting is all that works for me. But I'm praying God will give me favor and make up for what I can't do. So today, I start over, hoping for a miracle. You may find it strange that I would call weight loss a miracle, but for someone who lacks the faith to believe they can lose weight at all, it truly is! So I'm asking God for a miracle!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Batteries Required!

Several months ago the batteries in my fancy, digital scales went dead. Now I know that most people say that you aren't supposed to weigh yourself everyday, but for me it worked. I liked knowing where I stood and seeing how and what I was eating affected the scales. I learned what to do and what not to do based on those scales. I know it's hard to believe, but the scales helped me to catch myself losing control and make needed adjustments to continue to lose weight or at least maintain the weightloss. SO...I am now re-reading my own blog, taking my own advise and purchasing batteries for my fancy, digital scales.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where have I gone?

Today was the day. I had to stop an ask directions. Yes, I'm still on the journey, but I got so comfortable with my "cruise control" on that I lost my way for a little while.
Just like losing your way on a trip costs both time and money, my wondering has done the same. I've wasted time that I could have been making progress, and it's cost me as well. I have gained 12 pounds while I've been side-tracked. That means the 44 pounds I had lost from March to November of 2010 is now at 32 pounds of weightloss.

I thought of calling it defeat and throwing in the towel...but how would that glorify God? NO WAY!!! Just because people lose our way sometimes doesn't mean they can't reach their destination. SO looking back at my first blog on the Israelites wanting to go back to Egypt, I now look at another characteristic of those "God-Chosen" people...their tendancy to wander. I can really relate to those guys!

I do have a destination, that hasn't changed. I plan on reaching the "Promise Land". So this morning I decided to stop and ask directions. I've known I needed to for quite a while now. I was waiting until I felt like doing it. Obviously, that's not going to happen. So I prayed this morning that I would do what I needed to do even though I don't feel like it. Otherwise ALL my weight will come back on. My poor knees can't tolerate that!

SO I will commit myself to the follow 4 things in order to start out again on this journey and be lead by the HOLY SPIRIT instead of what I "feel like" :

1. Spending Alone Time with God - "Oh God, You are my God. I will earnestly seek You; my soul thirsts for you; my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water." Psalms 63:1

2. Depending on the Holy Spirit to Give me Strength -"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29

3. Enjoying the Journey - Everyday is a gift! "Be strong and take heart all you who trust in the Lord." Psalm 31:24

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The value of the written word!

If we "think" about important things, or "speak" vital information, it may be easily disregarded or forgotten. However, if we record in writing the revelations, then we are likely to remember or revisit what's been written. I haven't blogged about my journey for four months now. The insight I had at the start of my journey has truly sustained me until this point. I've lost 43 pounds since I first made up my mind to let God make some much needed adjustments in my life. At some point though, I feel I've taken control and relied more on my self-control and success to keep "fighting the good fight".
It helps so much to go back and read the things I wrote in the very beginning. So tonight that's exactly what brought me back the this spot. To read what I wrote months ago and take my own advise, which was ultimately wisdom gained from the WORD of God.
I've always known that journalling is one way people gain understanding and stay on track. Now I have found that it may be a very important outlet for me. I originally started blogging to be "lay it all out there". I will resume my blog, for it will be a testimony in the end of how we can lay hold of God's promises, put them into practice in our lives and be transformed!

Monday, April 5, 2010

CHAPTER 13: Pressing On!

There's more to this journey than the weightloss. The journey has been about facing the truth, adjusting my priorities, and pressing on. At this point I've lost 20 pounds, which is 1/4 of what I plan to loose. I know that the weight didn't come off because I have amazing was only accomplished through amazing grace! I am praying for JOY in this journey. It's like walking in victory after walking for SO long in defeat!!

The key to reaching my goal weight is daily obedience and surrender. Giving the Holy Spirit control and asking the Lord to keep my focus on the right things. Just to review the most important things I've learned....
1. Feed my hunger, not my appetite
2. Feast on God's Word instead of food
3. I can't, but HE can!
4. I can do the the possible and let God do the impossible!
5. Exercise is my friend...embrace it and it will pay off!
6. It is God's will for me to take care of the body He created. So He will help me to do it when I ask Him for help.
7. I have victory, because Jesus purchased it for me!
8. I must crucify the flesh!

Galatians 5:24
“Those who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified their lower nature with all it’s appetites.”

PRESS ON...for the Lord will give us strength for the Journey and meet all of our needs!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

CHAPTER 12: Prepare for Action

If we ever want to accomplish our goals, we must take action.
In order to take action, there must be some preparation. If not, the ultimate goal will never be realized.

Preparing our minds for action comes from 1 Peter 1:13.
This would include a truthful evaluation of where we stand mentally, physically, emotionally and especially spiritually.
It would also include gaining the knowledge and information we need to carry out the mission.

This scripture also speaks of being "self-controlled". (Meaning self-disciplined, practicing restraint!) The question is, how do we maintain a posture of self-control? The answer is priorities. Putting the proper emphasis on the most important things. Is it more important to satisfy the cravings of the appetite, or to meet the nutritional needs of the body? In the same way we could look at this spiritually...being obedient and pleasing to God in the area of healthy eating or be "gluttons". That may sound harsh, but it's actually true.

I pray that we will fulfill the scripture in 1 Peter 1, and be followers of Christ who walk the way He moderation.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

CHAPTER 11: He Built the House!

Imagine this scenario:

A Father built a beautiful new home for his daughter. He purchased choice materials and spared no expense. The house was stocked with the finest furniture and fixtures. When the house was complete, he turned the key over to her.
He just knew she would be pleased with his work and enjoy this lovely home. He looked forward to sharing many wonderful times together there. As time went by the young lady neglected to take care of the house. She didn't even make much time to spend with her father. He tried to remind her of how much he loved her and what a precious gift this house was, but she paid no attention. Several years went by and one day she realized that floors were scratched, there were cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, the roof leaked, and their were stains on the furniture, all from careless use. She called her father and asked for his help. Her father's heart was full of joy. It was a call he had waited on, because he had longed to help her. She was unable to make repairs on her own, but together they could accomplish great things. Her father had the skill and expertise and finally she had the desire to restore her home, and put things back in working order.

God created our bodies and He is able to repair the things are are not in working order. We need to call on Him to help us make necessary changes.

God has chosen to dwell in His people through the Holy Spirit. He builds a spiritual home within our hearts. This brings new life as the Spirit of the Living God takes up residence and we allow him free reign. After all, He built the house!

1 Peter 2:4-6
" also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

I don't know about you, but it's hard to fathom the fact that God calls ME to be part of a "royal priesthood" a citizen of His "holy nation". Being a citizen of this nation gives us gifts and graces, or priviledges so to speak. By the blood of Jesus, we can come boldly before the throne and offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.

That sacrifice begins with turning the keys over to the Master Builder and letting Him do a work in us that is impossible for us to do on our own.