Monday, April 5, 2010

CHAPTER 13: Pressing On!

There's more to this journey than the weightloss. The journey has been about facing the truth, adjusting my priorities, and pressing on. At this point I've lost 20 pounds, which is 1/4 of what I plan to loose. I know that the weight didn't come off because I have amazing was only accomplished through amazing grace! I am praying for JOY in this journey. It's like walking in victory after walking for SO long in defeat!!

The key to reaching my goal weight is daily obedience and surrender. Giving the Holy Spirit control and asking the Lord to keep my focus on the right things. Just to review the most important things I've learned....
1. Feed my hunger, not my appetite
2. Feast on God's Word instead of food
3. I can't, but HE can!
4. I can do the the possible and let God do the impossible!
5. Exercise is my friend...embrace it and it will pay off!
6. It is God's will for me to take care of the body He created. So He will help me to do it when I ask Him for help.
7. I have victory, because Jesus purchased it for me!
8. I must crucify the flesh!

Galatians 5:24
“Those who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified their lower nature with all it’s appetites.”

PRESS ON...for the Lord will give us strength for the Journey and meet all of our needs!